A high-tech enterprise specializing in the research, development, production and application of probiotics and their derivatives.
2019-07-25 15:32


Step 1: Wash your face

洁面是护肤的基础啦,先用洗面奶将污垢洗干净,皮肤才能够更好地吸收护肤品。 洗面奶的选择根据自己的肤质来选。 肤质偏干的女生可以用氨基酸洁面。肤质偏油的女生可以用皂基洁面。皮肤敏感的女生,一定要用温和不刺激的氨基酸洁面哦!

Cleaning is the basis of skin care, first use facial cleanser to clean dirt, skin can better absorb skin care products. The choice of facial cleanser depends on your skin. Dry skin can be cleaned with amino acids. Girls with oily skin can use soap-based cleansers. Girls with sensitive skin must use mild and non-irritating amino acids to clean their face.


Step 2: Makeup Water

化妆水的种类有很多,名称也有很多,我们常见的有:紧肤水、爽肤水、精华水、收敛水、高机能水、美白水、柔肤水等等等等。 不同的水功效也不同,大家根据自己的肤质来选择就好。 用浸湿化妆水的化妆棉擦拭面部这个方法,可以起到二次清洁的作用,适合皮肤角质层比较厚比较健康的女生。

There are many kinds of make-up water. There are many names. We often have toner, toner, essence, water, water, whitening water, skin lotion and so on. Different water effects are also different, everyone according to their skin to choose just fine. The method of wiping face with cosmetic cotton soaked in makeup water can play the role of secondary cleaning, which is suitable for girls with thicker and healthier cuticle.


Step 3: Smear Muscle Bottom Fluid


The main functions of muscle base fluid are to maintain stability and help skin better absorb other follow-up skin care products.


Step four: apply eye essence.


The action of eye essence is equal to the bottom of the eye, which can help the eye cream to be absorbed by the skin better.


Step five: apply facial essence.

面部精华的种类有很多种,有美白精华、抗衰老精华、全效型精华、纯补水精华、淡斑精华等等等等。 大家根据自己的肤质来选择适合自己的精华产品。

There are many kinds of facial essence, such as whitening essence, anti-aging essence, all-purpose essence, pure replenishment essence, weak spot essence and so on. We choose the best products according to our skin.


Step 6: Apply eye cream

眼霜只需要涂抹在眼周皮肤上,眼霜的用量无需太多,用两粒米大小的用量就行啦。 眼霜的类型有很多,提拉紧致型、抗皱型、纯补水型、淡化黑眼圈型等等。

Eye cream only needs to be applied to the skin around the eyes. The amount of eye cream does not need to be too much. The amount of two grains of rice is enough. There are many types of eye cream, such as lifting tight type, wrinkle-resistant type, pure water supplement type, desalination of black circle type and so on.


Step seven: apply the cream / cream.

春夏季了,天气比较热乳液/面霜尽量选择清透一点的,秋冬季可以用质地稍微厚重一点的。 步骤八:涂抹防晒 防晒是护肤的更后一步啦!每天都要涂抹防晒的,出门一定要涂防晒哦!即使你素颜,也是需要涂抹防晒的!千万别偷懒啦。 防晒乳/防晒霜/防晒喷雾,选择一种用起来呐。

In spring and summer, the weather is relatively hot. The lotion and cream are as clear as possible. Step 8: Daub sunscreen is the last step of skin care! Daub sunscreen every day, go out must apply sunscreen! Even if you are plain, you also need to daub sunscreen! Don't be lazy. Choose a sunscreen / sunscreen / Sunscreen Spray.